I had such a great stitching weekend and still had time to visit with friends, and go grocery shopping and get everything that had to be done...done!
First and foremost I FINISHED Hummingbird! OH MY! It is soooo beautiful in person! No scan or picture that I took to try to capture it did it justice. So you'll have to take my word for it. I'm sure that Laura will be pleased. If not then I'm taking it back and hanging it in my house! That was Friday night. You might wonder why I have signed it Lulu 2010. Well that was because Laura was Lulu's breeder, and Lulu was born in 2010. So I wanted her to always remember Lulu :))
Hummingbird & Fuschia by Dimensions Stitched on 32 ct Lugana Solo by Silkweavers
Then on Saturday, I stitched up PS's Three French Hens. So I'm on track with that too.
3 French Hens by Prairie Schooler - Stitched on 28 Ct Mushroom Lugana
Sunday was SAL Sunday with Kati. I worked some more on Suzannah. Her proportions are bothering me...but I'm plugging along and it will come together. I love stitching her....I really wanted to give her a head but I didn't get that far this week. But it looks like I'll get there next weekend.
So that is my IHSW report!