Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Border and Bunny Bums

I spent Sunday plopped in front of the tv with my stitching in my lap and binge-watching Empire.  Have you been watching this?  It's fantastic!  I didn't watch it from the very beginning, but did pick it up in the last 4 episodes or so, so when FX said that they were going to show it from the beginning on Sunday, I knew what I was doing.  And I did.  Now patiently waiting for the final episode that airs tomorrow night. Should be good.  With that being said I thought it was going to be a great stitching day and I did have my stitching out, but by the end of the day it looks like I did more watching and my stitching spent more time in my lap than in my hands!  Oh well.  Still ok though.... I worked on the inner border on it...that way I didn't have to pay too much time on the chart. (it's nice to have options)  So in the end...here it is.

Now you know how much I love my bunny bums and I had to stitch them this year too. I couldn't decide which colour to stitch it in, so I stitched it twice.  One day I will actually make them into little pillow ornaments, but for now they are just collecting.  I have 4 now, so I'll have a nice little display of different colour bunny bums.


Unknown said...

It's looking good - it's nice to be able to catch up on TV as well as stitching.

Your little bunnies are so cute x

Michele said...

Love your progress! and the bunnies are sooo cute! I need to stitch this one too :)

I haven't seen Empire, but heard wonderful things, so now I have to go back and watch :)

Linda said...

Love your Bunny bums. lol Nice progress on the border.


Barb said...

The bunny bums are so cute. the sampler is just beautiful!

Sparky said...

bunny bums just bring many smiles...thanks for the sunshine in your stitchings...

Pull the other thread said...

Great stitching. The bunnies are really very sweet.

Carol said...

I haven't seen Empire, Barbi, but glad to read you are enjoying it! It's always a bit tricky to stitch during some shows--I tend to pick things I can more listen to than watch when I am stitching.

Lovely progress on your sampler and I love the bunnies (of course!).

Any thoughts on DWTS? I only saw half of it, but it looks like one of their better seasons...

Ranae said...

I love catching up on stitching and my recorded shows. Your stitching is beautiful

Anne said...

The border on this piece is just gorgeous and very ornate! Love the bunny bums! I think I should stitch this one too as it's a quick Easter stitch!

StitchinByTheLake said...

Love, love your bunny bums! Is this a pattern you bought or a freebie somewhere? blessings, marlene

Anonymous said...

The "wheat" border is so pretty!

Brigitte said...

I haven't heard of Empire so far, maybe it's a show that will reach us here next year or so. I also love to have something not so tricky to stitch while watching interesting or captivating shows or movies. That's better than having to frog the next day, lol. Very nice progress on your SAL piece.

Faith... said...

I just love your Bunny Bums!

Andrea said...

Wonderful stitching, the bunny bums are just too cute.

Rachel said...

Great progress on your border and really cute bunny bums! Simple, yet so effective! :)

Lily Allen said...

Great stitching..Love your progress..looking so beautiful..
clipping path

Crystal Digitizing said...

nice embroidery digitizing service in us!!!