Design: Home of a Needleworker
Designer: Little House Needleworks
Stitched on 28 ct. Lugana - Cameo
Floss: recommended Crescent Colours
Then second happy dance! I finished my July ornie. Christmas Fox, the companion piece to last month's Christmas Cow. Loved working on this too. Not sure what August's will be, but I'm happy with this month's for sure. I am going to have to find time to get these all completely finished as well.

Design: Christmas Fox
Designer: Leisure Arts
Stitched on 28 ct Jobelan - White
Recommended floss
We went camping this weekend, which was amazing. The weather was perfect, the water was perfect, we spent most of Saturday on the boat, which was wonderful. We docked at the beach and walked on the beach for a bit. I have to say it was a romantic weekend, just the two of us. I won't go into details, but it was a pretty amazing weekend. And I'm such a city girl. I practically squealed with glee on Saturday morning when I stepped out the trailer and heard a rustling in the tree nearby and saw a gorgeous grey owl fly out of it, followed by a smaller one. I was delighted! I had never seen one in real life out in the wild. In the zoo, yes, but not flying free.
So at the moment I'm working on my Bent Creek July square, and then hopefully get to work a bit on Rose of Sharon.