Woo Hoo! Finally I have a finish for 2010! I have been watching all of you post your first finishes and I was still sitting here trying to plug thru the snapperyear border. Which is now DONE! Thank you very much!!!!
Bent Creek - Snapper Year, Stitched on 28 ct Lugana - Sand by Silkweavers
I know that the majority of the stitching was done in 2009, but the finish didn't happen until 2010, so I'm calling it a 2010 finish! HA!
Then I also finished my first Reindeer ornament of the year. Thanks to DaffyCat designs :)) I love Holly, and I can hardly wait to stitch Jingle next month.
How cute is this deer???
Daffycat Designs - Holly Reindeer/Stitched on 28 ct Jobelan - White
Now if I could just convince Sharon to design 10 more of these cuties...My reindeer year would be complete! LOL....Just puttin' the vibe out there! (wink)
I worked on my Sunday SAL as well, but I haven't got it scanned so I will post that tomorrow for you. Didn't get much done on it, but at least I'm back into it.