I didn't get a lot of time to stitch on my SAL LHN piece on Sunday, real life got in the way. But I did manage to finish the middle part of it. So now it's just deciding whether I'm going to do the top of the bottom of it. I'll flip a coin, but I'm leaning towards the top row. I won't be stitching this coming Sunday on it, so it will be the week after anyway, so I'll have time to decide.

And here's a pic of the WIP of ROS! I am starting to see a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel on this one. It didn't make Mother's day, or my Mom's birthday, but it will surely be done by christmas. I already have thoughts of my next focus piece going thru my mind. But haven't decided yet on that one either. Too many things I want to do...and always too many new ones that pop up that have to be done as well. EEEKKKK!!!!

I am patiently awaiting my pre-ordered JCS Ornie issue. But up in Canada I guess it takes a little longer. I am itching to flip thru it. ARGH!!!!!!!